Evenimente Viitoare


Beyond Strategy: Oil and Gas Conference 2017

The Diplomat Bucharest magazine continues its series of energy events with "Beyond Strategy: Oil and Gas Projects in Place", conference dedicated to companies and entities active in the oil & gas industry, that through the implementation of successful projects ensure the sustainable and strategic development of Romania. http://oil-gas-conference.thediplomat.ro/

IEAS 2017

International Electric & Automation Show
IEAS is a technique event, specialized, dedicated to electric equipment and automation in Romania.

Expoziția tehnică IEAS se apropie de cea de a XIII ediție, evenimentul fiind găzduit de Palatul Parlamentului între 19 și 22 septembrie, în sălile Unirii, Take Ionescu și I. C. Brătianu.
În 2017 Internațional Electric & Automation Show propune vizitatorilor săi o experiență unică ce include: prezența a peste 80 de companii expozante, workshop-uri tematice, conferințe business dar și un concurs studențesc de inovare tehnică.
Mai multe detalii sunt disponibile pe website-ul evenimentuluil www.ieas.ro

INTERSOLAR Middle East 2017

Intersolar Middle East is the most powerful exhibition and conference for the solar industry in the MENA region and focuses on the areas of PV, PV production technologies, energy storage systems and solar thermal technologies. Intersolar Middle East covers the complete value chain of PV with 120+ international manufacturing companies, cell- and module makers, inverter companies up to energy storage solutions providers and electric vehicles.
5,000+ visitors and 260+ conference attendees from all GCC countries and around the world are expected in 2017.
So make sure you be part of the 2nd Intersolar Middle East 2017!

Areas of Focus:
PV Production Technologies
Electrical Energy Storage (ees)
Solar Heating & Cooling Technologies


The fair for professionals
Following the success of last edition, Expobiomasa 2017 will bring together in only four days all the professionals involved in the thriving business of biomass: forest machinery companies, solid biofuels industries, manufacturers, distributors and installers of heating systems, especially stoves and boilers, ESCO, industries and other large consumers of heat, heated water and process steam; As well as ancillary industry, engineering, Investment group,… All the professionals involved in generating savings for biomass consumers will be in September in Valladolid.