POWER WEEK Asia 2019

POWER WEEK Asia 2019
South East Asia



POWER WEEK ASIA is the 5th annual international conference & summit, designed for the electric power and energy industry. It provides 5 days of networking opportunities with C-level executives during a 2-day conference as the main event, plus 6 workshops with real life case studies, expert views, and valuable insights on the market outlook.

At POWER WEEK ASIA, you will meet industry peers from national power companies, government regulators, policy makers, renewable & IPPs, investors and suppliers from around the globe. With C-level speakers and attendees all under one roof, it gives you the chance to learn the success strategies and pitfalls of notable power projects. The conference features 20+ engaging sessions covering policy & regulations, global energy market outlook, fuel & electricity market, solar technology, energy storage, grid technologies, digitalisation, power generation efficiency, electric power transmission, power plant & power projects, investment & financing, solar & wind tariffs and many more. POWER WEEK ASIA is the most anticipated event, not to be missed!


This year’s conference will address cutting edge topics with Real Examples and Case Studies including:

12 – 13 November 2019POWER WEEK Main Conference
11 November 2019Workshop A: Energy Utilities Regulation & Policy
14 November 2019Workshop B: Energy Storage
15 November 2019Workshop C: Grid Technologies
5 – 8 November 2019Workshop D: Power Purchase Agreement from Legal Perspective
18 – 21 November 2019Workshop E: Mastering Renewable & Alternative Energies
25 - 27 November 2019Workshop F: Clean Energy Opportunity & Risk Analysis

List of expert speakers from best industry players in the world

1. Ma Jinlong, Vice President, APEC Sustainable Energy Center, China
2. Shinichi Imai, Managing Director, TEPCO Power Grid, Japan
3. Patana Sangsriroujana, Deputy Governor-Strategy, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Thailand
4. Haji Husaini Bin Husin, Chief Grid Officer, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia
5. Tor Inge Stokke, President, SN Power, Philippines
6. Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO, ACWA Power, Saudi Arabia
7. Dan Neil, COO, MERALCO Power Generation, Philippines
8. Rick Truscott, COO, CLP Power, Hong Kong
9. Adrian Lembong, Director of Technology, Adaro Power, Indonesia
10. Simon Li, President and General Manager of Asia Pacific Project Business Unit (APBU), Trina Solar, China
11. Alex Hewitt, CEO, CWP Renewables, Australia
12. Lionel Steinitz, CEO, LYS Energy, Singapore
13. Petteri Härkki, Managing Director, Pöyry, Thailand
14. Anand Menon, CTO, Eng. & Technology, Siemens, Malaysia
15. Dany Qian, Vice President, Jinko Solar, China
16. Sujay Shah, Executive Director, Cleantech Coverage, Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore
17. Sunil Gupta, Senior Vice President & Head, Renewable Energy, Sembcorp Industries, Singapore
18. Laurence Kwan, Director, Energy, Sunseap Group, Singapore
19. Janne Lautanala, General Manager for Digital Foundry, Wärtsilä, Singapore
20. Lenita Tobing, Partner, PwC, Indonesia
21. Raju Shukla, Founder and Chairman, Cleantech Solar, Singapore
22. James Allan, Director, Frontier Economics, Singapore
… and more. To find out the speakers’ profile, visit www.power-week.com/Asia/Speakers

Reasons Why You Should Not Miss the Conference

Networking Opportunity
The chance to build relationships and learn from the experience of other influential industry players.
Renowned Speakers
Be inspired by top-notch speakers with years of experience and knowledge it their field.
Business Prospect
Meeting with emerging professionals and industry leaders with the potential for a business prospect.
Expand Market Outlook
Gain insight on the current and future power and energy market in Asia and beyond.

Need More Reasons to Attend?
1. An interactive conference with a debate style panel discussion.
2. Discover how to deal with issues and challenges of regulatory uncertainties.
3. Understand the possibilities and threats for deregulation in power from policy makers’ point of view.
4. Obtain the up-to-date insights of global energy market trend.
5. Comprehend the right energy transition strategy, execution and portfolio management for power and energy company.
6. Discover the potential of blockchain application in electricity sector.
7. Adapt to new technology trends by understanding the development of solar panel, energy storage & smart grid technologies.
8. Identify the strategies to minimise the cost of power generation.
9. Methods to attract private investing in emerging market.
10. Learn about the technical know-how in power plant development.
11. Evaluate the success and failure of energy and power business through various companies’ real-life case studies.


To attend/sponsor/exhibit/enquiry, please contact:
Weslyn Lee    
Tel: +65 6325 0274 | Email: weslyn@power-week.com

To join the discussion:
LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6985809
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/powerweeksummit
Twitter: @powerweeksummit
Official Website: www.power-week.com/Asia

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